$5.00 won 3 votes

A woman saw an electrician walking up her drive and rushed to the door.

"Why did you come today?" she barked. "You were supposed to repair the doorbell yesterday?

I know," the electrician replied. "I rang three times. There was no answer, so I thought you must be out."

3 votes

CATEGORY Business Jokes
posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
  • HENNE : voted

    • Dan the Man 009 : Voted

      • Kama : I'm Japanese. The joke is excellent, but apart from it, I have a question about "walking up her drive." I understand that the "drive" in this context means "driveway" in AE, and "drive" in BE according to the Cambridge Dictionary. I'm not sure "drive" is also OK in AE nowadays or not familiar but does. Sorry for my poor English. Kindly explain to me, please. Thank you in advance.

      • Kama : I'm Japanese. The joke is great, but apart from it, I have a question about "walking up her drive". I understand that the "drive" in this context means "driveway" in AE and "drive" is used in BE according to the Cambridge Dictionary. I'm not sure "drive" in AE is OK or not. Sorry for my poor English.