Freddie Pitz Profile


Freddie Pitz

User Details

Member Since : Jan, 2014
# of jokes posted : 14
# of followers : 0
# of following: 0
Location: Canada
won: 0
0 votes

A crook rented an apartment over a police station.
He feels he is "above the law, now!”

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CATEGORY Police Jokes
posted by "Freddie Pitz" |
0 votes

Why should you do what a police dog with pups wants you to do?
Because you should obey the "litter of the law".

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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Freddie Pitz" |
0 votes

A man was walking down the road with a bag of liverwurst under his arm. He came upon a young, very thin boy with a tern under his arm. The man asked "What are you doing with that bird under your arm?” The boy answered" I am very hungry and I want to eat this bird.” The man wanted to save the tern and at the same time ease the boy's hunger, so he traded the bag of liverwurst for the bird. In other words, he took a "TERN FOR THE WURST".

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posted by "Freddie Pitz" |
0 votes

This fellow was a very good harp player and wound up playing a gig in San Francisco, at a pub named Sam Fran's Disco. When his gig was up and he returned home, he found out he had forgotten his harp. When he told his wife he had to go right back, she wanted to know why. He said, "Because I left my harp in Sam Fran's Disco".

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posted by "Freddie Pitz" |