r2d2 Profile



User Details

Member Since : Jul, 2003
# of jokes posted : 5
# of followers : 0
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Location: United States
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One mighty fine morning a string walks into a bar. The bartender says,” We Don't want any strings." "I guess I will have to find a more understanding bartender." So the next day the same string walks into the same bar and says,” I want just one shot of Beer: original. "NOOOO!" The string gets kicked out and thinks up scheme so sinister it is worth a try. He comes back later used up of thinking, with frayed ends and a knot in his belly, made by himself. The bartender asked: "Aren't you that same string that came in here 2- days in a row?" "Nope, I'm a frayed knot." Says the string

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posted by "r2d2" |