Foxie Profile



User Details

Member Since : Dec, 2015
# of jokes posted : 114
# of followers : 1
# of following: 0
Location: United States
won: $ 11.00
0 votes

Q: How do you know when your cat's done cleaning himself?
A: He's smoking a cigarette.

0 votes

posted by "Foxie" |
0 votes

Q: How did Irish dancing get started?
A: Too much Guinness and not enough restrooms!

0 votes

posted by "Foxie" |
2 votes

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

2 votes

posted by "Foxie" |
2 votes

A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.

2 votes

posted by "Foxie" |