Michael Stephen Douglas Profile


Michael Stephen Douglas

User Details

Member Since : Feb, 2016
# of jokes posted : 45
# of followers : 4
# of following: 0
Location: United States
won: $ 58.00
$5.00 won 5 votes

Whoever said "Laughter is the best medicine", obviously didn't see my last doctor's bill!

5 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Michael Stephen Douglas" |
3 votes

My aunt and her 7 year-old daughter, Lisa, were talking at breakfast one morning when Lisa said, "Mommy, how come you have these gray hairs coming in on the top of your head?"

My Aunt replied, "Well sweetie, every time that you make mommy worry or tell a lie, I get a new gray hair."

Lisa, having this perplexed look on her face, then raises her head to look my aunt straight in the eyes. She then asks, "Is that why grandma is all gray mommy?"

3 votes

CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Michael Stephen Douglas" |
4 votes

Today had to be one of the most humiliating and worst days of my life! I just finished explaining to both my wife and boss why I'm in the hospital ER.

You see, it had been over 40 years since I've jumped on the back of a moving horse. I really thought that it would come back to me as easily as jumping on a bicycle again, but instead, it turned out to be a HUGE MISTAKE! I mean, I just couldn't stop thinking about how I lost my balance and fell over backwards with my right foot still caught in the stirrup while getting dragged around violently and wondering if I was going to die.

As the Doctor was putting in the very last stitch to the back of my head, he mentioned, "You are very lucky to be alive."

"I know, Doc," I replied. "I also thanked God for the fast thinking on the part of the Merry-Go-Round Operator."

4 votes