Arthur Art Will Williams Profile


Arthur Art Will Williams

User Details

Member Since : Jun, 2019
# of jokes posted : 451
# of followers : 0
# of following: 0
Location: United States
won: $ 564.00
$12.00 won 3 votes

Why did James Bond have gray hair?

Because he had no time to dye.

3 votes

$12.00 won 3 votes

The master, to impress on his pupils the need of thinking before speaking, told them to count to fifty before saying anything important, and one hundred if it was very important.

Next day he was speaking, standing with his back to the fire, when he noticed several lips moving rapidly.

Suddenly the whole class shouted: "Ninety eight, ninety-nine, one hundred... Your coat's on fire, sir!"

3 votes

CATEGORY School Jokes
posted by "Arthur Art Will Williams" |
1 votes

Dean of Students: "And where have you been for the last week?"

Student: "Stop me if you've heard this one..."

1 votes

$5.00 won 2 votes

"Bill's nowhere near the fool he was."

"Has he reformed?"

"No, he's dieting."

2 votes

posted by "Arthur Art Will Williams" |