aod318 Profile



User Details

Member Since : May, 2021
# of jokes posted : 613
# of followers : 2
# of following: 0
Location: United States
won: $ 956.00
1 votes

You know you've still got it when you're walking across the beach with your wife and there's a couple of young girls waving at you while she isn't looking.

There's no way that I was ever gonna swim out that far to save them though.

1 votes

posted by "aod318" |
1 votes

My son and I were sat in the city centre, waiting for my wife to come out of this high-end shoe store, and we were absolutely bored to tears.

Then all the sudden, the entire Royal Ballet came out of nowhere and put on a completely impromptu dance performance!

We were still absolutely bored to tears.

1 votes

posted by "aod318" |
$9.00 won 2 votes

Why do archaeologists get all the girls?

Because they have the best dating techniques.

2 votes

posted by "aod318" |
$7.00 won 1 votes

“I’m the number everyone hates," said 13.

“No way, I am the number everyone hates,” replied 666.

"L-O-L," 2020 chuckled.

1 votes

posted by "aod318" |