Jimmy Chapman Profile


Jimmy Chapman

User Details

Member Since : Feb, 2023
# of jokes posted : 186
# of followers : 1
# of following: 0
Location: United States
won: $ 274.00
$15.00 won 3 votes

A teacher gave her class of second graders a lesson on the magnet and what it does.

The next day in a written test, she included this question:

"My full name has six letters. The first one is M. I am strong and attractive. I pick up things. What am I?"

When the test papers were turned in, the teacher was astonished to find that almost 50 percent of the students answered the question with the word "Mother."

3 votes

posted by "Jimmy Chapman" |
$10.00 won 3 votes

Nothing looks good on me anymore,” wailed a customer modeling an outfit in front of the department store’s mirror.

“Nonsense, ma’am,” soothed the salesclerk. “That dress says it all.”

“That’s the problem,” the woman replied. “I need a dress that keeps its mouth shut.”

3 votes

posted by "Jimmy Chapman" |
2 votes

A sales rep for a publisher of accounting reference materials was talking to a customer about a guide to assist with preparing for an audit. The way she described their organization led him to believe they might have an internal audit department.

I asked, "Do you have an in-house auditor?"

"No," she answered. "We have an outhouse auditor."

2 votes

posted by "Jimmy Chapman" |
$10.00 won 3 votes

After a day of grueling maneuvers under the blazing Texas sun, the platoon stood in front of the barracks.

"All right, maggots, think about this," bellowed the drill instructor. "If you could have ten minutes alone, right now, with anyone in the world, who would it be?"

Amid much mumbling, one voice was heard from the back row, "My recruiter!"

3 votes

CATEGORY Military Jokes
posted by "Jimmy Chapman" |