KidPsyco1002 Profile



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Member Since : May, 2000
# of jokes posted : 2
# of followers : 0
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Location: United States
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One day there was this man that stopped at a house because it was night, so he rang the doorbell. A lady answered, but she was all pink! So she said, "come on in", so he did. There were pink steps, pink wallpaper, pink toilets, pink everything. Later that night, another man came to the door, because it was dark and everything she let him in. Now he saw everything was pink. Finally, a third man came to the door, and again, since it was dark outside she let him in. Now he saw that everything was pink. The next morning, she woke the three men up and invited them to breakfast. So she had 2 kinds of cereal. Corn Flakes, and Cocoa puffs. The first man chose Corn Flaked, the next man chose Cocoa Puffs, and the last man chose Corn Flakes. So the moral of this story is 2 out of 3 prefer Corn Flakes over Cocoa Puffs!!!

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posted by "KidPsyco1002" |
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Q. What is a snake's favorite subject?
 A. Hissssssssstory

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posted by "KidPsyco1002" |