Latest Jokes

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Last year I bought an instructional boxing DVD on Cyber Monday.

This year I went shopping on Black Friday!

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CATEGORY Holiday Jokes
posted by "ERS" |
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Why do the police never work at Antarctica?

Because they all freeze over there.

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CATEGORY Police Jokes
posted by "Jerry Jr" |
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Little Johnny didn't want to go to school so, he grabbed his father's phone and calls his teacher.

Little Johnny (speaking in a manly voice): "Hello, I want to tell you that John won't be able to make it to school today."

Teacher: "Okay, noted. But to whom am I speaking?"

Little Johnny (in deep voice): "You are speaking to my dad."

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posted by "OSIRIS" |
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If a speck of dust lands on your monitor while you are editing a photo, no matter how hard you try...

Your software will not remove it!

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CATEGORY Computer Jokes
posted by "Bob Massey" |