Latest Jokes

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Today, I thought of a really good joke. I even laughed when I thought of it!

I then submitted to Surfing the web, I found that someone else had plagiarized me by copying my joke.

Last week.

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posted by "David Kuhns" |
0 votes

In the news these days are how we are so afraid of Artificial Intelligence.

As I see it, there is a war between AI and NS.

Do not be afraid, or be very afraid, because there is no way Artificial Intelligence will ever defeat Natural Stupidity!

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posted by "David Kuhns" |
0 votes

Do you know why they bury lawyers 10 feet in the ground?

Because, deep down, they're really nice people.

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CATEGORY Lawyer Jokes
posted by "Philip Farris" |
2 votes

I asked my therapist what I could do about my fear of hugging.

She said, "Embrace it."

2 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Gary Greenfield" |