Latest Jokes

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Fresh out of seminary, a young pastor found an associate position at a prestigious church. One Sunday early on, he was given the opportunity to preach. He prepared diligently - perhaps a bit too excited to use all the learning he'd acquired - and worked hard to make his words eloquent and smooth.

Shaking hands at the end of the service, he was approached by one of the older ladies who was known and respected in both the church and community.

"Sir," she said with a smile, "your sermon was like the peace of God!"

The young preacher's grin widened and his chest puffed a bit, until she continued on... "It surpassed ALL understanding!"

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posted by "Jimmy Chapman" |
0 votes

1. Salmonella won't be a concern.
2. Everyone will think your turkey is Cajun blackened.
3. Uninvited guests will think twice next year.
4. Your cheese broccoli lima bean casserole will gain newfound appreciation.
5. Pets won't bother to pester you for scraps.
6. No one will overeat.
7. The smoke alarm was due for a test.
8. Carving the bird will provide a good cardiovascular workout.
9. You'll get to the desserts even quicker.
10. After dinner, the guys can take the bird to the yard and play football.
11. Less turkey Uncle You-Know-Who eats, the less likely he will be to walk around with his pants unbuttoned.
12. You won't have to face three weeks of turkey sandwiches.

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CATEGORY Holiday Jokes
posted by "merk" |
1 votes

Saw a bumper sticker that said do the thing you love until it kills you...

So I ate 479 tacos.

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posted by "nerdasaurus" |
0 votes

My wife and I are inseparable.

In fact, last week it took four state troopers and a dog.

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CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "merk" |