Latest Jokes

$5.00 won 1 votes

What do you call a date with Batman?

A Masked Mandate.

1 votes

posted by "Mahovy" |
$50.00 won 4 votes

Did you hear about the ATM that got addicted to money?

It suffered from withdrawals.

4 votes

posted by "Danny Jackson" |
$15.00 won 3 votes

What do you call James Bond taking a bath?

Bubble 07.

3 votes

posted by "Gegg Smith" |
$25.00 won 4 votes

A Sunday school teacher asked her class, "What was Jesus' Mother's name?"

One child answered, "Mary."

The teacher then asked, "Who knows what Jesus' Father's name was?"

Another child said, "The Verge."

Confused, the teacher asked, "Where did you get that?"

The little one said, "Well, you know they are always talking about The Verge n' Mary."

4 votes

posted by "merk" |