Michael1002 Profile



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Member Since : Oct, 2014
# of jokes posted : 2
# of followers : 0
# of following: 0
Location: United States
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0 votes

One math book says to the other, "you think you got problems, you're just algebra, I'm advanced calculus."

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posted by "Michael1002" |
0 votes

Mike, Jack, and Gary go for a hike in the woods. They are out about an hour enjoying the sights when they come around a sharp bend in the trail and spot a bear just in front of them feeding off some vegetation next to the trail. The bear lets out a menacing growl when it notices the hikers. Mike says "jump up and down, make some noise to scare it away". Jack says “that won't work, we need to play dead". They both ask Gary “what do we do?" There is no reply. Turning around they see Gary far down the trail behind them.

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posted by "Michael1002" |