Howard Profile



User Details

Member Since : Feb, 2017
# of jokes posted : 1
# of followers : 0
# of following: 0
Location: United States
won: 0
0 votes

My Girlfriend told me: "You have nothing but Jokes! Why can't you ever be serious for once! Hey, you could even make a fine husband one day! Hint!"

"Oh, seriously?" I said (thinking I'm not ready for a commitment yet).

She replied, "Of course, I have always dreamed of the fairy tale wedding and having 6 kids just like the Brady Bunch."

So I replied back, "Well, you're right Honey, I do need to take things more seriously. Actually, I was thinking about changing my profession from Delivering Pizzas to being a Famous Writer."

My Girlfriend says, "Now your talking! I know that's not steady money but anything but more jokes!"

So I said back, "Honey, I know how important you want us to get married and have 6 kids like the Brady Bunch. So how does it sound to you if we discuss our future of a Big wedding and lots of kids!"

My Girlfriend says, "Really?" (She blushes and looking very hopeful.)

I said, "Of course! So where to you want us to get married? In Chapter 2 or 3?"

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posted by "Howard" |