Susan Paetznick Profile


Susan Paetznick

User Details

Member Since : Oct, 2016
# of jokes posted : 68
# of followers : 0
# of following: 0
Location: United States
won: $ 53.00
$5.00 won 1 votes

The Higgs Boson walks into a church.

The bishop says, "We don't allow Higgs Boson in here."

The Higgs Boson asks, "But without me, how can you have mass?"

1 votes

CATEGORY Science Jokes
posted by "Susan Paetznick" |
$5.00 won 1 votes

A lady went to the salon to get a new hair style. While getting her hair done, she noticed a handsome man sitting quietly in the waiting area.

She turns to the man and begins flirting with him. The man replies, “I’m married.”

The woman continues to flirt, “Just tell her you’re going to visit a friend in the hospital.”

The man replies, “Tell her yourself. She’s the one doing your hair.”

1 votes

posted by "Susan Paetznick" |
$10.00 won 1 votes

A retiring farmer needed to rid his farm of animals in preparation for
selling his land. So he went to every house in his town.

To the houses where the man is the boss, he gave a horse. To the houses
where the woman is the boss, a chicken was given.

He got toward the end of the street and saw a couple outside gardening.
"Who's the boss around here?" he asked.

"I am." said the man.

"I have a black horse and a brown horse," the farmer said, "which one
would you like?"

The man thought for a minute and said, "The black one."

"No, no, no, get the brown one." the man's wife said.

"Here's your chicken." said the farmer.

1 votes

CATEGORY Farmer Jokes
posted by "Susan Paetznick" |
$6.00 won 2 votes

Me: How was your date last night?

Her: A complete waste of makeup.

2 votes

posted by "Susan Paetznick" |