Latest Jokes

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A large woman put on a dress and asked her husband if the dress made her look different.
Her husband said, " You’re asking the wrong person, I saw you before you put it on.

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posted by "Steve1003" |
0 votes

A mushroom walks into a bar. He sees a pretty lady sitting all by herself so he walks up to her and takes a seat. He offers to buy her a drink. "No way," she replies, "you are a mushroom."

"Come on now," he says, "I’m FUNGI (fun-guy)"

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posted by "Mike Hunt" |
0 votes

I was driving along the Stuart Highway when I saw a sign saying "Rest Area 50 Kilometers" and thought WOW that’s big

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posted by "Lee Dyball" |
1 votes

Q: What did one math book say to the other?
A: Man I got a lot of problems!

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posted by "Jackie" |