political jokes

Category: "Political Jokes"
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Top 10 signs your presidential candidate is under-qualified 
10. Promises to improve foreign relations with Hawaii. 
9. Runs a series of attack ads against Martin Sheen's character on "The West Wing." 
8. His #1 choice to work on his cabinet is "That Bob Vila guy." 
7. Outstanding record as Governor of Rhode Island nullified by the fact that no one really cares. 
6. Got his degree in Political Economics by bribing Sally Struthers with a chocolate donut. 
5. Anybody mentions Washington, he asks, "The state or the DC thingie?" 
4. At the debates, answers every question with a snarled, "You wanna wrestle?!?" 
3. Vows to put an end to the war in Pokemon and free the Pikachu refugees once and for all. 
2. Says the Pledge of Allegiance as quickly as possible, then shouts, "I win!" 
….. and the Number 1 Sign Your Presidential Candidate Is Under-Qualified.. 
1. On the very first question of the debate, he attempts to use a LIFELINE. 

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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It seems there was an agreement between two of the top power nations at the height of the arms race which grew out of their concern of global annihilation. Both sides agreed on a final end-all battle which would be one gigantic mean dogfight. Each would get five years to prepare their top animals. The first one, the Ugonauts, took the biggest, meanest Rottweiler and Doberman females and bred them with the biggest, meanest Siberian Wolves money could buy. Then they selected only the biggest, meanest pups of the litter to rebreed, year after year. It finally came to the big day. The Hugonauts had to drag their entry in with huge heavy ropes, and no one could get near the cage. The Argonauts toted in the craziest crate -- it was low to the ground and eight feet long. When they opened it, people gasped! Out waddled the funniest looking eight feet long wiener dog anyone had ever seen. People felt sorry for the Argonauts, and the Hugos snickered in disbelief. The heavy door to the Hugo's terror was slowly pulled open and out jumped the most hideous monster of a dog there'd ever been, snarling and growling. Just as the monster pounced at the neck of the wiener dog to take him out, the wiener dog opened its mouth and swallowed the Hugo's dog whole! Everyone was in total disbelief! The Hugos said they just couldn't understand it! They'd spent years and years perfecting this animal, how could this be? The Argo's glibly replied, "That's nothing. We spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for the top plastic surgeons in the world to come here and make this alligator look like a wiener dog!" (Just goes to show ya, things aren't always what they look like!)

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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This Russian guy loses his pet parrot. He looks everywhere, all around the neighborhood, in the park, everywhere. He can't find the parrot. Finally he goes around to the KGB office and tells the desk officer his problem.
The officer's a little puzzled. "Look, bud, I'm sorry you lost your bird, but this is the KGB. We don't handle missing animal reports."
"Oh, I know that," says the guy. "I just wanted you to know, if you find my parrot -- I don't know where he could have picked up all his political ideas."

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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A mid-level executive was so frustrated at being passed over for promotion year after year, that, in frustration, he went to a brain-transplant center in the hope of raising his I.Q. 20 points.
After a battery of physical and psychological tests, the center's director told him that he was an acceptable candidate.
"That's great!" the executive said. "But I understand that this procedure can be really expensive."
"Yes, sir, it can," the director replied. "An ounce of accountant's brain for example, costs one thousand dollars; an ounce of an economist's brain costs two thousand; an ounce of a corporate president's is forty-five thousand. An ounce of a politicians brain is seventy-five thousand dollars."
"Seventy-five thousand dollars for an ounce of a politicians brain? Why on earth is that?"
"Do you have any idea," the director asked, "how many politicians we would have to kill?"

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posted by "Raging" |