Best Jokes

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A deer hunter at a hunting camp bagged two deer, one more than the limit. He called his wife ask her to go to the local sporting goods store to get a hunting license in her name and bring it to the hunting camp.
While getting the license she took up conversation with a man who happened to be the Game Warden. "A wonderful thing happened to my husband...he shot two deer, and he wants me to bring this license up to his camp," she said.
"What say, Mam, that we go up there and we'll BOTH congratulate him," he replied.

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posted by "Harry Kuhles" |
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Q: Why did the goose cross the road?
A: Because the chicken was on vacation

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posted by "lizett" |
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Have you heard that a company has come out with a new cell phone made just for senior citizens?
It not only has bigger numbers, rotary dial and the best feature; it has less memory.

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CATEGORY Elderly Jokes
posted by "Betsy Giles" |
0 votes

A pick pocket was pronounced guilty and sentenced to pay a $200 fine by the judge. His defense lawyer, knowing that his client could not pay the fine, pleaded with the judge asking, “Your honor, my client can only afford $50. But if you allow him a few minutes in the crowd…"

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CATEGORY Judge Jokes
posted by "amaikwu adaobi juliet" |