Best Jokes

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Sign on a door: "WARNING: Use door for entering and exiting only!"

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posted by "Annoymus" |
0 votes

A man owned a very intelligent dog so, after a long period of time, taught him how to play poker. The dog did very well and won a lot of pots until the owner had to pull him out of the games. “He realized that whenever the dog held a really good hand he wagged his tail.”

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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Harry Kuhles" |
0 votes

What are the 3 most dangerous sayings in the Navy???

1. An Ensign saying "I learned this at the Academy"
2. A Lieutenant saying "Based on my experience"
3. A Navy Chief saying "Hey, watch this"

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CATEGORY Military Jokes
posted by "Doug Nielsen" |
0 votes

An idiot called the airport for flight information. "How long is your flight from Los Angeles to Denver?” he asked. "Just a minute," the pleasant agent replied. "Thank You" he said and hung up.

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posted by "Fran Dryden" |