2 votes

Node: Was aware of (past tense of Know)
Outpatient: Fainted
Pap smear: Fatherhood test
Pelvis: Cousin of Elvis
Prostate: Flat on your back
Protein: Favoring young people
Rectum: Dang near killed 'em
Seizure: Roman Emperor
Serology: Study of Knighthood
Tumor: An extra pair
Urine: Opposite of "you're out"
Varicose: Located near by

2 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
  • Egbert : good one

    • barber7796 : surprised this was approved. i have submitted before with a few of these words and they suggest that xrated site. like being first to review new jokes. good one. hope you place in the money