Benjones Profile



User Details

Member Since : May, 2018
# of jokes posted : 679
# of followers : 10
# of following: 4
Location: United States
won: $ 1946.00
$12.00 won 4 votes

Is there a difference in a smart person and a stupid person?

No, as both think they know everything.

4 votes

posted by "Benjones" |
$25.00 won 10 votes

Theater Manager: "Your second act was magnificent, Miss De Fleur! Your suffering was almost real."

Miss De Fleur: "It was, I've got a nail in my shoe."

Theater Manager: "Well, for heaven's sake leave it in until the third and final act is complete."

10 votes

posted by "Benjones" |
$10.00 won 9 votes

The minister, meeting a neighbor's son after church, noticed he had a black eye. He put his hand on the boys head and says, "My boy, I pray you may never fight again. And that you will never get a black eye again."

"Thank you," the boy answered. "You may want to go home and pray for your own son too, I just gave him two of them."

9 votes

posted by "Benjones" |
$12.00 won 8 votes

Terry slammed his cards on the table and left the game in a huff.

"Boy," said another player disgustingly, "I really hate playing cards with a bad loser."

"He isn't very pleasant," another player said, raking in the chips, "but it's better than playing with a good winner."

8 votes

posted by "Benjones" |