Best Jokes

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Note outside a laundry shop: "Drop your clothes here for best results" !!

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posted by "rathi b m" |
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Ad outside a store specializing in jeans-wear: "Ladies have fits upstairs".

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posted by "rathi b m" |
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Charlie took his girl friend to her first football game. They had really good seats, right above their team's bench. At the end of the game, Charlie asked her if she liked it.

"Yeah, it was great," she said. "I mean, with all the tight pants and stuff. I just don't get why all the fuss about a quarter!"

Charlie is confused. "A quarter?"

"At the beginning of the game," she explained, "I saw the two guys flip a quarter. Then the rest of the game, all they said was, 'Get the quarterback! Get the quarterback!' Hello! It's only 25 cents!"

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posted by "Catherine Holt" |
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Looking at an optical mouse, an idiot said,
"Look! They are making everything solar these days."

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posted by "Wendayehu Demissie" |