3 votes

Mom had just returned from shopping and was surveying the ghastly scene in the den. The family computer had been totally smashed into a dozen pieces.

"What happened to the PC?" she asked of her 14 year old son.

"That was dad's doing," he replied. "As usual he couldn't get it to do what he wanted. I told him to reboot it. That's exactly what he did."

3 votes

CATEGORY Computer Jokes
posted by "Jim Shaw" |
  • Egbert : love this one. voted. check out mine see what you think

    • Benjones : good one so i voted. .check me?

      • barber7796 : do you ever check me out see if you like my jokes?

        • barber7796 : great joke and I have voted. hope you finish in the money. check out my jokes and see if they deserve your vote.