2 votes


Artery Study of Paintings
Bacteria Back door to cafeteria
Barium What to do when treatment fails
Bowels Letters like A, E, I, O, U
Cat scan Searching for kitty
Colic Sheep dog
Coma Punctuation mark
D & C Where Washington is
Enema Not a friend
Hangnail Coat hook
Impotent Distinguished; well known

2 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
  • Dan the Man 009 : Great joke! ;-)

    • Pony99CA : It took me a couple of lines to figure out that it was a word or phrase followed by a definition. A little punctuation after the term (a colon or dash) would have made it much easier to read the joke.

      • Dan the Man 009 : Why do you have to be so critical on people’s jokes when you never post any yourself? Afraid of someone being critical on yours? You should be. :-(

    • barber7796 : another great one, voted today