Q: Why was the Easter Bunny so upset?
A: He was having a bad hare day!
Q: How does the Easter bunny keep his fur neat?
A: With a harebrush!
Q: What kind of books do rabbits like?
A: Ones with hoppy endings!
Q: Why shouldn't you tell an Easter egg a good joke?
A: It might crack up!
Q: Why does the Easter bunny have a shiny nose?
A: Because the powder puff is on the other end!
Q: What did one colored egg say to the other?
A: "Heard any good yolks lately"?
Q: How do you catch the Easter Bunny?
A: Hide in the bushes and make a noise like a carrot!
Q: How many chocolate bunnies can you put into an empty Easter basket?
A: Only one. After that, it's not empty!
Q: Why did the Easter egg hide?
A: He was a little chicken!
Eufaulasrguy : who this for? voted
shopin55 : love bunnys. voted
barber7796 : so many good ones, voted