3 votes

A judge was annoyed to find that his car wouldn't start. He called a taxi, and soon one arrived at his house. Climbing in, he told the driver to take him to the halls of justice.

"Where are they?" asked the driver.

"You mean to say that you don't know where the courthouse is?" asked the incredulous judge.

"The courthouse? Of course I know where that is," replied the driver. "But you said you wanted to go to the 'halls of justice.'"

3 votes

CATEGORY Judge Jokes
posted by "Merkv814" |
Dan the Man 009
  • Dan the Man 009 : Voted

    • barber7796 : i understand it. voted.

      • Pony99CA : I'm not sure how to take this. Is the cabbie ignorant, not knowing what "halls of justice" means, or is he making a comment about there being little justice at the courthouse? I guess you can take it whichever way makes you happy. :-)

        • Pony99CA : That wasn't a complaint. It was a indicting it could be taken two ways.

        • barber7796 : here you go again. how about you submit jokes. hope that they get approved and let us judge yours.