A priest and a cab driver went to heaven.
The priest was given fifty bags of gold and a nice house.
The cab driver was given the same but also a boat, a lake and a box of diamonds.
The priest asked St. Peter, "Hey I was a priest, how come I don't get a box of diamonds or a lake or a boat?"
St. Peter said, "We go by results. During your sermons people slept, during his cab rides people prayed."
Q: Did Adam and Eve ever have a date?
A: No, but they had a fig!
Q: Why did Cain have no faith?
A: Because he wasn't Abel
A man was complaining that his wife refused to make his morning coffee.
She shrugged and said. "In the Bible, we are told the man is to make the coffee."
He stares at her for a moment before informing her that he had never heard such a passage.
She smiled, rose and retrieved her Bible from the living room. She leafed through it for a moment before laying it on the table in front of him.
He glanced at it and sighs, seeing that she opened the Bible to: "HEBREWS".