Best Jokes

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Knock, Knock
Who's There?
Jose who?
Jose can you see...

0 votes

posted by "John Beaman" |
0 votes

At a bar, one patron to another: “Excuse me but I think you owe me a drink.”
“You’re so ugly that I dropped mine when I saw you”

0 votes

posted by "Zak Cloe" |
0 votes

"Waiter! Waiter!" said a guy in a restaurant. 5-55 minutes later. "Waiter! Waiter!" said the guy. In the kitchen, "Someone is calling you, sir," said the cook to the waiter. "I know. I'm waiting," said the waiter.

0 votes

posted by "Daniel Lewis" |
0 votes

Q: Why was the guys fee free?
A: Because he added an "r"

0 votes

posted by "Daniel Lewis" |