Past Winners

12/9/2021 To 12/16/2021
$25.00 won 3 votes

Did you hear about the brawl at the post office?

The stamps got licked by the postmaster.

3 votes

12/9/2021 To 12/16/2021
$15.00 won 3 votes

A man tells his doctor that his wife has laryngitis.

The doctor said there was nothing he could do to cure it.

The man said, "Cure it, I want to prolong it!"

3 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "merk" |
12/9/2021 To 12/16/2021
$12.00 won 4 votes


2. _______________________________


4 votes

posted by "wadejagz" |
12/9/2021 To 12/16/2021
$10.00 won 2 votes

My wife challenged me to a game of strip poker.

Then I realized she just wanted to do laundry.

So I folded.

2 votes

posted by "aod318" |