Best Jokes

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How many ducks would there be, if you saw two ducks in front of two ducks, two ducks between two ducks, and two ducks behind two ducks?

Answer: 4 ducks-because they are in a row.

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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Dennis Drake" |
0 votes

Man: Excuse me Miss, but were you born in Tennessee?
Woman: No, why?
Man: Because your the only ten-I-see!

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CATEGORY Pickup Jokes
posted by "Matt Glover" |
0 votes

A fish walks into a bar, the bartender asks,
"What would you like?" the fish says holding his neck,

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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Analiese" |
0 votes

A little girl was eating a doughnut on her way to church. Since she could not eat inside, she left it outside and she prayed, "God, will you please watch my doughnut and not go anywhere else? Thank you!"

Then she went inside. When the priest said, "God is here, God is there, and God is everywhere!"

The little girl said, ”You are wrong! God is outside watching my doughnut!"

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posted by "Anonymous" |