Best Jokes

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"I don't think my mom knows much about children."
"Why do you say that?"
"Because she always puts me to bed when I am wide awake
and gets me up when I am sleepy."

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posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

One kid asks the other
Q:"How old is your grandfather?"
A:"I don't know but we've had him for a long time."

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posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

A small piece of rope climbed onto a barstool. The bartender said he did not serve rope in his bar, and tossed it out to the street. The rope asked a passerby to tie him into a knot, and then ruffle both ends. The rope went back into the bar, the bartender looked down at him and said, "Hey aren’t you that same piece of rope I just tossed out?" the rope responded: no sir “I am a frayed knot.”

0 votes

posted by "e.j. woleslagle" |
0 votes

Q.Why was 6 affraid of 7?
A.Because 7,8,9 (7 ate 9)

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posted by "Graham Kitchen" |