Best Jokes

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Q: Why did the Mummy go to the bathroom?
A: To wrap itself in toilet paper!

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Overheard: Bill Gates talking with one of his financial advisor's...
Bill says, "You did what with my 150 million dollars? I said Snapple, not Apple!"

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posted by "Matt1002" |
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Q: What has dual airbags and has lots of room?
A: The White House.

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posted by "Steve Barlow" |
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A frog came into a bank to obtain a loan. He spoke to the loan officer Mr. Paddywack. When Mr. Paddywack asked the frog what he had for loan collateral, the frog held out his hand. "What's that?" asked Mr. Paddywack, but the frog could not talk. So, Mr. Paddywack took the frog in to see the manager and explained the situation. The manager then asked the frog what collateral he had for the loan and the frog held out his hand. "Oh," said the manager, "that's a knickknack Paddywack, give the frog a loan."

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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |