Latest Jokes

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What is 2+2? To the mathematician it is 4. 
To the philosopher "it depends how you define the concept of 2" 
To the accountant "what would you like it to be."

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posted by "Jerry Cook" |
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A mother and daughter were out shopping at the mall. The mother saw an expensive fur coat and stated, "This year, I think I will buy my present instead of making you and dad shop for me and I think this fur coat would be perfect too." 
The daughter protested, "But mom, some helpless, poor creature has to suffer so that you can have this." 
"Don't worry honey," says the mother, "your father won't get the bill for a couple of weeks."

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CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Simple Sentiments1002" |
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Q. What's the easiest way to drown an Antartican?
A. Write scratch n' sniff on the bottom of the pool.

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posted by "Cheese" |
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All the merry men and Maid Marion, gathered around Robin Hood's deathbed, waiting for the inevitable end. Manfully, heroically, Robin struggled up and said "Friar Tuck, bring me my long bow. I will fire an arrow out the window and wherever it lands, that is where you will bury me." Deeply moved, they placed a long bow in his trembling fingers, propped him up and faced him towards Sherwood Forest. And with an immense effort, Robin aimed and fired. And so it came to pass that they buried him on top of the wardrobe.

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posted by "Anonymous" |