Best Jokes

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"Frank, if you have 20 dollars and Bill takes away 14. What would you have?” said the teacher.
"A fight!” answers Frank.

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CATEGORY Teacher Jokes
posted by "Klaus" |
0 votes

Farmer picks up an American Indian hitch hiking. The Indian is a man of few words but eventually looks at the brown paper bag in between them and asks, "Mmm, What in bag?" The farmer says, "It's a bottle of wine that I got for my wife". Indian thinks for a second and say, "Mmm, good trade".

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posted by "Brian Cooney" |
0 votes

How do dogs communicate in the modern world?
And how do they tweet?

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CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Paula Wynburne" |
0 votes

Two old men were sitting in the yard outside the care home one day when Tim turned to the other and said "John I'm really feeling my age today I just hurt all over, how are you feeling?
John replied "I feel just like a new born babe"
Tim looked at him startled "A New Born babe really?"
"Yep, I have no hair, no teeth, and I think I just wet my pants."

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CATEGORY Elderly Jokes
posted by "Anne" |