Best Jokes

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Customer: What does this fly at the bottom of my cup mean?
Waiter: It means that the fly does not know how to swim!

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posted by "Wazeem" |
0 votes

A policeman finds someone crawling on all fours in the middle of the street. The cop approaches him and asks him, "What on earth do you think you’re doing?" The man on the floor replies, “I’ve lost it." The policeman asks him curiously, "lost what?" The man on the floor answers, "well (hiccup) my balance sir."

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posted by "Odon Bessenyei" |
0 votes

Why are Saturday and Sunday so strong?
Because the rest are weekdays.

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posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

Why didn’t anyone take the school bus to school?
I wouldn’t fit through the door.

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posted by "Anonymous" |