Latest Jokes

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Q: What do you get if you put a 20 ducks in a box?

A: A box of Quakers

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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A man goes to see his doctor because of a problem he is having concerning his memory. The man tells the doctor "I have been having lots of problems remembering things that happened in the past couple of hours, you know, my short term memory." The doctor replies "How long has this been going on?” The puzzled man looks back at the doctor and says "How long has what been going on?"

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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Q: What did the zero say to the eight?
A: Nice belt.

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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A little man is sitting in a bar when a big guy comes up and says here’s a punch from Japan the little man gets up and the big guy goes here’s a kick from Korea knocking him down the little guy just smiles and goes away 15 minutes later he comes over and knock the guy out cold then he looks at the bartender and says when he wakes up tell him that was a crowbar from "Lowes."

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posted by "HL:CS:CZ_EMINEM" |