kid jokes

Category: "Kid Jokes"
$5.00 won 10 votes

Ten-year-old Tommy greeted his sister's boy friend very enthusiastically, "That harmonica you gave me for my birthday is easily the best present I have ever had!"

"I'm glad you liked it," the boyfriend replies.

"Oh yeah! Mother gives me a quarter a day not to play it!"

10 votes

posted by "Everleigh" |
$25.00 won 2 votes

A Sunday School teacher wanted to use squirrels as an example of a diligent work ethic and being prepared. She started the lesson by saying, "I'm going to describe something, and I want you to raise your hand when you know what it is." The children were excited to show her what they knew and leaned forward eagerly.

"I'm thinking of something that lives in trees and eats nuts." No hands went up. "It can be gray or brown and it has a long bushy tail." The children looked around the room at each other, but still no one raised a hand.

"It chatters and sometimes it flips its tail when it's excited?"

Finally one little boy shyly raised his hand. The teacher breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, Michael. What do you think it is?"

"Well," said the boy, "I know the answer's supposed to be Jesus, but it sure sounds like a squirrel to me.

2 votes

posted by "HENNE" |
0 votes

The lengthy recital had drawn to a close, ice-cream and cake had been served and the teacher was bidding the students good-bye.

One of the little performers had brought her small brother with her. As he was about leave, the teacher beamingly said, "Well Bobby, did you enjoy the recital?"

"Yes," answered Bobby, "all but the music."

0 votes

posted by "Arthur Art Will Williams" |
1 votes

Little Benny and his daddy were standing in front of the lion's cage at the zoo.

Benny's father was explaining how ferocious and strong lions are, and Benny was taking it all in with a serious expression.

Daddy," Benny said finally, "if the lion got out of his cage and ate you up..."

"Yes, son?" Benny's father said expectantly.

Benny continued, "What bus should I take home?

1 votes

posted by "HENNE" |