Best Jokes

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Question: Why did the teacher wear sunglasses in class?
Answer: Because he was trying to see if his son was in his class.

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CATEGORY Teacher Jokes
posted by "Jason Hill" |
0 votes

Martin asked David, "In which state does the Ohio River run?"
David answered with cool, "In the liquid state."

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posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

Martin asked David, "In which state does the Ohio River run?"
David answered with cool, "In the liquid state."

0 votes

posted by "Anonymous" |
0 votes

Q: What do you call a blind deer?
A: A no-eyed deer (say it out loud)

Q: What do you call a blind deer with no legs?
A: A still no-eyed deer.

0 votes

CATEGORY Animal Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |