Latest Jokes

1 votes

ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning?

WITNESS: He said, 'Where am I, Cathy?'

ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you?

WITNESS: My name is Susan.

1 votes

CATEGORY Lawyer Jokes
posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
$15.00 won 9 votes

The boys were arriving back at the fraternity house after the summer vacation.

"What have you been doing this summer?" one asks another.

"Working in my dad's office, and you?"

"Yeah, I've been loafing around and doing nothing too."

9 votes

CATEGORY College Jokes
posted by "maryjones" |
$25.00 won 10 votes

Little Johnny's aunt was visiting and going on and on about her husband. "When he went overseas during the last war he carried my picture through every battle."

Little Johnny interrupted her with a question, "Did he use it to scare the enemy off?"

10 votes

posted by "barber7796" |
$8.00 won 7 votes

The teacher to a student: Conjugate the verb “to walk” in simple present.

The student: I walk... you walk…

The teacher interrupts him: Quicker, please.

The student: I run... you run…

7 votes

CATEGORY Teacher Jokes
posted by "SRD" |