Latest Jokes

$8.00 won 7 votes

I walked into a coffee shop on Halloween to find the woman behind the counter with a bunch of sponges pinned to her uniform.

"I'm assuming this is a costume, but just what are you supposed to be?" I asked.

The waitress responded proudly, "I'm self-absorbed."

7 votes

CATEGORY Holiday Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
$15.00 won 7 votes

I asked my phone, "Siri, why am I so bad with women?"

She said, "I'm Alexa you moron."

7 votes

posted by "Danny Jackson" |
4 votes

So I was in the chemist lab and I said to the assistant, “What gets rid of germs?”

She said, "Ammonia cleaner."

I said, "Oh sorry, I thought you worked here...”

4 votes

posted by "Danny Jackson" |
3 votes



3 votes

posted by "Danny Jackson" |