family jokes

Category: "Family Jokes"
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My wife decided to meet some of the children residing at our emergency shelter. Realizing that she was the wife of the Development Coordinator, a young child asked if we were husband and wife to which my wife said "Yes” Without missing a beat, this particular girl remarked how short I was. This sweet child's next statement said it all when she asked thoughtfully, "Wasn't he taller when he married you?"

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Cody Bateman" |
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A small girl sat in front of the television watching a news program on teenage run away. "Mommy," she asked. "Why do people run away?" The mother thought for a moment about the numerous reasons that teens run and then proceeded to try and explain in a way that her young daughter would understand. After the first few moments of explanation the small girl interrupted. "No Mommy, why do people RUN away? Do they have to run or can they walk away too?"

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Joanne" |
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Two explorers, camped in the heart of the African jungle, were discussing their expedition. “I came here,” said one, “because the urge to travel was in my blood. City life bored me, and the smell of exhaust fumes on the highways made me sick. I wanted to see the sunrise over new horizons and hear the flutter of birds that never had been seen by man. I wanted to leave my footprints on sand unmarked before I came. In short, I wanted to see nature in the raw. What about you?” “I came,” the second man replied, “because my son was taking saxophone lessons.”

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
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I called a motel and asked how much they charged for a room. The clerk told me that the rates depended on room size and number of people.

"Do you take children?" I asked.

"No, sir... nor checks!" replied the clerk. "Cash and credit only."

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |