Latest Jokes

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At a psychiatrist a man says, Doctor, I think there are two of me.
The doctor replies, Well, why don’t you both sit down and one of you tell me all about it.

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CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
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A man visits his doctor and says, doctor, I keep seeing green Martians before my eyes.
The doctor asks have you seen a psychiatrist?
The patient says, "No Only green Martians!"

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CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
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“I don’t want a car,” said the farmer to the persistent salesman. “I need a new cow.”
“But you can’t ride a cow along the streets.”
“True. But I can’t milk a new car, can I?”

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CATEGORY Business Jokes
posted by "Anonymous" |
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A little boy was doing his homework one evening and turned to his father and said,
“Dad, where would I find the Andes?
“Don’t ask me,” said the father. “Ask your mother. She puts everything away in this house.”

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posted by "Anonymous" |