science jokes

Category: "Science Jokes"
$7.00 won 4 votes

"I'll have an H2O," says the first.

"I'll have an H2O too," says the second.

The second man dies.

4 votes

CATEGORY Science Jokes
posted by "alexander" |
1 votes

Guy #1: "Do you know the chemical formula for Sodium Bromide?

Guy #2: "NaBro."

1 votes

CATEGORY Science Jokes
posted by "Vijay S" |
1 votes

A science teacher tells his class, "Oxygen is a must for breathing and life. It was discovered in 1773."

A not so bright student responds, "Thank God I was born after 1773! Otherwise I would have died without it."

1 votes

CATEGORY Science Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
$9.00 won 4 votes

A scientist wanted to understand the science of marriage.

So he got married.

Now he forgot what science is all about.

4 votes

CATEGORY Science Jokes
posted by "Kyoto" |