Best Jokes

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The photographer for a national magazine was assigned to get photos of an enormous forest fire. Smoke at the scene was too thick to get any good shots, so he frantically called his home office to hire a plane. 

"It will be waiting for you at the airport!" he was assured by his editor. As soon as he got to the small, rural airport, sure enough, a plane was warming up near the runway. He jumped in with his equipment and yelled, "Let's go! Let's go!"

The pilot swung the plane into the wind and soon they were in the air. "Fly over the north side of the fire," said the photographer, "and make three or four low level passes."
"Why?" asked the pilot. 

"Because I'm going to take pictures! I'm a photographer, and photographers take pictures!" said the photographer with great exasperation and impatience. 

After a long pause the pilot said, "You mean you're not the instructor?" 

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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There was an Antartian sitting on the living room floor painting with four coats on. When her husband got home he asked, "Honey, why are you wearing four coats and painting?" The Antartian replied, "The paint can says the color is better with 3 or 4 coats."

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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There was an Antartian sitting on the living room floor painting with four coats on. When her husband got home he asked, "Honey, why are you wearing four coats and painting?" The Antartian replied, "The paint can says the color is better with 3 or 4 coats."

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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Warning Signs of Insanity for Programmers. 
1. You stay up all night coding only to realize that you haven't had any caffeine in about 6 hours. 
2. You wonder why on earth anyone would make a programming language conform to such absolutely bizarre rules of grammar but in a strange way it actually begins to make sense. 
3. You start dreaming in recursion (if you have any time to dream). 
4. You realize not only is it daytime but your project is due in 2 hours, which isn't enough time to even begin running it. 
5. You start customizing your environment because you want it "just right" (and because further work on the program is futile). 
6. You wonder when the invasion will begin. 
7. You understand #8. 
8. You start signing your name in octal (or binary) just because. 
9. You know more programming commands than actual words. 
10. You realize that you have reached the end, and there is no closing command. 

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posted by "Anonymous" |