Latest Jokes

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You know how to catch a nice big trout? You look for a place in the stream where there's a sunken log or hole where the big ones like to hang out. Every day for a week, you throw in a handful of worms and a sugar cookie. On the last day, you just throw in the worms. When the trout sticks his head out of the water to see what happened to the sugar cookie, you hit him over the head with a baseball bat!

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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Bumper sticker: "Last Christmas I got a new rifle for my wife. Good trade, don't you think?"

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posted by "Anonymous" |
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Q. Why did the golfer bring an extra pair of pants when he went golfing?

A. In case he got a "hole in one".

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posted by "Chris Bosh" |
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Two men out fishing for carp. One fellow stands up and as he does, his wallet falls out of his pocket and slowly sinks in the lake. As he tries to retrieve it, two huge carp show up and start fighting over possession of the wallet. The fellow turns to his comrade and states "First time I've seen carp to carp walleting!"

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posted by "Freddie Pitz" |