Best Jokes

$25.00 won 2 votes

Boy: "How old are you?"

Girl: "I'm not saying. You know, you shouldn't ask a girl her age."

Boy: "Oh, okay. By the way, what's your email address?"

Girl: "It's, why?"

2 votes

posted by "RS" |
$25.00 won 2 votes

I can't believe I was arrested for impersonating a politician...

I was just sitting there doing nothing.

2 votes

posted by "Ryan Faidley" |
$9.00 won 2 votes

A man asks his wife, "What would you do if I won the lottery?"

His wife says, "Take half and leave you."

The man replies, "Great! I won 12 bucks, here is six, now get out!"

2 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "HENNE" |
2 votes

My husband told me that I am one of the eight wonders of the world...

I warned him not to let me catch him with any of the other seven!!!

2 votes

CATEGORY Marriage Jokes
posted by "Raul Bajarias" |