Latest Jokes

2 votes

A famous Viking explorer returned home from a voyage and found his name missing from the town register.

His wife insisted on complaining to the local civic official, who apologized profusely saying, "I must have taken Leif off my census."

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posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
2 votes

An Indian chief was feeling very sick, so he summoned the medicine man. After a brief examination, the medicine man took out a long, thin strip of elk rawhide and gave it to the chief, telling him to bite off, chew, and swallow one inch of the leather every day.

After a month, the medicine man returned to see how the chief was feeling. The chief shrugged and said, "The thong is ended, but the malady lingers on."

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posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
2 votes

When my mother was called for jury duty, she felt confident of her ability to answer the questions asked of prospective jurors. As a young attorney, I had filled her in on what to expect.

Asked about the occupations of family members, Mom answered, "My son is a lawyer."

As a follow-up, she was asked if she had ever used the services of an attorney.

"Only to mow my lawn."

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CATEGORY Family Jokes
posted by "Harry Finkelstein" |
2 votes

Top researchers determined that cutting out beans, tomatoes and peppers will dramatically improve your diet...

That is how I determined that top researchers hate chili!

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posted by "CMatthewC" |