Teacher: “why are you always late for school?”
Student: “ because you always ring the bell before I get here!
Q: What did Mark do when he missed Bus number 6?
A: He took Bus number 3 twice!!!
Two friends, John & Jerry were on vacation in the isles of Fiji. While there they decided to go out fishing since hearing of the many great fishing spots.
They rented a boat and left before sunrise. The sun was now shining directly down on their heads. They realized that they'd been out at sea for nearly 4 hrs. Jerry turns around and says, " So much for the great fishing spot! I think I’m ready to head in!" John replies, "well, let's just try casting over there", as he pointed east of where they were. Jerry agrees and not long after they started hauling in loads and loads of fish. Jerry with a glee in his face shouts out to John, "this is the best fishing spot ever!” I know, says John we should definitely mark this place. Jerry: don't worry I’ll mark it down.
As they headed back to shore, John asks Jerry what did he put out there as to mark their fishing spot.
Jerry answers: Well I marked the side of the boat! Right here, see, a red cross!
John with a surprised look turns to his friend and says, "that is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard! What if we don't take out the same boat tomorrow"!
Q: What is the height of stupidity?
A: 2 men sitting on a motorcycle & fighting for a window seat