Latest Jokes

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My daughter was listening to her radio in the other room, I yelled out to her and ask, "What the heck is that disturbing noise?"

She replied, "That's my radio daddy."

I said, "Well try mine it doesn't sound like that!"

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posted by "Fasteddie686" |
1 votes

Who says commercials are not educational ? My 3 year old just informed me that the medication I'm on might cause dry mouth, dizziness, loss of sight --- and so on.

Needless to say I called my Doctor immediately, he said his 3 year old saw the same commercial.

1 votes

CATEGORY Doctor Jokes
posted by "Fasteddie686" |
0 votes

Entering first grade, I was ask by the teacher if I had learned my ABCs and could I count to 100? I answered yes I had, now can I be a Pharmacist?

0 votes

posted by "Fasteddie686" |
0 votes

Teacher: "Martha, come to the blackboard and tell us on the world map where America is."

Martha points to America correctly.

Teacher: "Good. Now John, you tell us who discovered America."

John: "Martha just did!"

0 votes

CATEGORY Teacher Jokes
posted by "Birendra Singh Khosla" |